Accountability & reporting / Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent
The Statement of Expectations is issued by the Minister to provide the authority with greater clarity about the government’s expectations in the conduct of its operations.
By convention, a Statement of Expectations will generally be refreshed with every change in Minister, change in Commonwealth policy or otherwise every two years.
The Statement of Intent outlines the HSRA’s response to the Government’s Statement of Expectations in relation to the HSRA’s roles, responsibilities, statutory functions and accountability obligations under the High Speed Rail Authority Act 2022 (the HSRA Act), the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (the PGPA Act) and associated regulations, as well as other relevant legislation and legal instruments.
The Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent help to inform the development of the Performance Measures included in the Corporate Plan which will be reported on at the end of the cycle in the HSRA’s Annual Report.
Government’s expectations about how the HSRA will fulfil its statutory responsibilities.
HSRA’s response on how it will deliver on the government’s expectations.